Sunday, December 6, 2015
NOTE: The deadline has been extended to Sunday, December 13.
January 28 – March 3, 2016
Nave Gallery Annex, 53 Chester St, Somerville, MA
Ellie Laramee-Byers and Rachel Mello
The Nave Gallery Annex, welcomes artists, designers, cartoonists, and all who use a sketchbook in an on-going artistic practice, to submit to our Second Annual Sketchbook Show. Share your thought processes, beginning stages, intermediate investigations, and on-going observations. This exhibit, curated by Ellien Laramee-Byers and Rachel Mello, seeks to reveal a glimpse into the working artists’ minds.
Artists use sketchbook for as many different reasons as there are artists. Usually (but not always?) sketchbook work is done in one moment; the next time the sketchbook is opened, a new pieces is begun. For this show we are looking to hang a set or series from each artist who is included in the show. Rather than the one, best polished piece, we would like to share your process or your work in its context.
We welcome any media or technique that you use in your sketchbook, including but not limited to pencil, watercolor, marker, ball-point pen, collage, woven or torn paper, or more. We will also consider photographs of sketchbook work, to be reviewed on artistic merits as photographs.
For accepted entries, please note:
-Sketches will be displayed statically; visitors will not be able to flip through books
-You will be expected to remove pages so that we can hang individual sheets
-Pages will be pinched with small binder clips for hanging
-Light-weight, paper-bound journals less than 1/8″ thick may be clipped and hung in an open position to show a specific set of pages without removing them
Submit images of the pages you would like considered. The curators will not select for you which pages to show. If you are planning to submit pages which you do not plan to remove, you MUST clearly indicate this, and describe the size and weight of the book in your Image Description.
Because we hope to show multiple pieces from each participating artist, please have several books, or some pages that have been removed.
-Accepted pieces must be delivered to the Nave Gallery Annex located in Davis Square, Somerville ready to install. For The Sketchbook Show only, “ready to install” are expected to be loose pages
-Work may also be shipped. See shipping instructions to follow in Participating Artist packet
–Fill out this Form with Artist and Image Information
-Submit a MINIMUM of 3 images and a MAXIMUM of 8 images; see Image Submission below
-Entry Fee: $15 payable via PayPal to Please submit payment immediately upon submission of this form. Include “Sketchbook Show 2016” in the memo
-The Nave Gallery will retain a 30% commission for work sold
-Artist is responsible for dropping off work or for the cost of shipping work to and from the gallery
-Preferred submission method is via Google Drive. Help for Google Drive is available on line.
-Images may also be submitted via email to
1. Size all images so that the largest dimension is 1000px. Make sure you are starting with an image with enough resolution. If you do not have Photoshop, there are many on-line resources for sizing images. Try Googling “How do I resize a jpeg on a _____” with the name of the kind of computer you have in the blank.
2. Name all of your images with your LASTNAME_FIRSTINITIAL_imagenumber.jpg. So for instance: HOLZER_J_01.jpg, HOLZER_J_02.jpg, etc.
Via Google Drive:
3. Put all your submission images in a Google Drive folder titled LASTNAME_FIRSTINITIAL_Sketchbookshow2016 (HOLZER_J_Sketchbookshow2016).
4. Share this folder with
Via Email
3. Email images to You may have to limit the number of images per message depending on your mailer.
Deadline for entries: Sunday, December 13, 2015
Notification: Thursday, December 31, 2016
Artwork drop off: TBD
Exhibition dates: Thursday, January 28-Thursday, March 3, 2016
Opening Reception: Friday, January 29, 2016
Ellie Laramee-Byers was the Coordinator for the 2015 Somerville Open Studios. Her paintings are primarily watercolor or acrylic, and she has a professional photography practice as well.
Rachel Mello’s work in cut silhouettes can be seen outside Somerville City Hall in the Phone Art Box Project, at Boston Harbor Arts Outdoor Gallery, and outside Journeyman Restaurant in Union Square. Her work can can also be found in 13FOREST Gallery and Blue Cloud Gallery. She’s working now on a larger installation of cut silhouette work for a solo show in November of 2016 at Laconia Gallery in Boston. Rachel was the Coordinator for the 2013 SOS and served for several years on its board of directors. She was trained as an architect and theater set designer and now works as a color specialist and design consultant with Latitude Color Design in Somerville.
Ellie and Rachel met and became friends through volunteering for SOS, and by both having studios in the Mad Oyster Studios building. During the Spring of 2014 Ellie and Rachel made a plan to get together every Thursday morning for an hour or more of sketching. They shared tools and learned techniques from each other, and have continued their weekly practice since, even remotely when either is traveling. This is the second annual Sketchbook Show they have curated together for the Nave Gallery..