Saying Goodbye to the Nave Annex
Dear friend of the Nave,
Last year, we wrote to tell you that we were going to slow our pace in 2017 to think through our plans for the Nave in 2018. It is with mixed feelings that we announce that we will close the Nave Annex in Davis Square at the end of January.
Back in 2013, we had no intention of opening an additional space. But, like all good things, an unexpected opportunity came up and we decided to go for it. We told ourselves that it would be just be special projects space. Our heads said that we would probably only be there for six months. Our hearts wished for a least a year.
January 25 will mark our five-year anniversary.
Since that fateful day five years ago, we have shown an astounding 51 exhibitions at the Annex, in addition to hosting numerous performances of all sorts, artists talks, a fundraiser or two, and in the past year, several political action events.
We have done this while continuing to program exhibitions at the main Nave, and partnering with city agencies and other arts organizations to produce the Phone Art Box Project, Squeezebox Slam accordion festival, the Somerville Toy Camera Fest, and our annual Wrap Around fundraiser for the Somerville Homeless Coalition.
None of this could have happened without the amazing support of our community, which you are part of. More than anything else, we want this message to be a message of thanks for both the financial and personal support that our community has contributed over the past five years.
We are grateful to our landlord, Michael Ahern, for supporting the Nave throughout the years and generously providing the space to us at a reduced rate. However, the constant struggle as an all-volunteer organization to program the space, envision ways for a sustainable infrastructure and figure out how to meet the monthly rent on the gallery has become an impediment to us growing as an arts organization.
Our plans this year are to:
–Take time out and reorganize
–Create a formal board
–File for 501c3 status (thank you to Somerville Community Access Television for serving as our fiscal sponsor for more than 10 years)
–Program the Nave Gallery in Teele Square throughout 2018
–Continue to advocate for accessible visual arts space in Somerville
We look forward to this year of new beginnings even as we say goodbye to the Annex. If you have the time and interest in being involved in a more formal way as we move forward, please be in touch. And, follow us on Facebook to keep up with what we’re doing and learn how you can get involved.
With most sincere thanks,
Susan Berstler
Director of the Nave Galleries