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PROJECT MUM – Meet Under McGrath Highway

mum 2006


On August 25, 2006 from 8 p.m. to midnight, hundreds of people gathered for a unique outdoor dance event under McGrath Highway. A fundraiser for 5 local Somerville arts organizations,  ARTSomerville, the Somerville Arts CouncilMudflat Pottery Studio, Inc., Somerville Community Access Television, Brickbottom Artist Association,  MUM featured music by DJ Brother Cleve and spectacular lighting (and mirror ball) courtesy of Todd Sargent and the crew at VDA Productions.

Why McGrath Highway? Somerville’s wellknown density makes it difficult to hold events in a public arena. The space under McGrath at the intersection of  Washington St is a large, safe, open space.

MUM06 was funded by a grant to ARTSomerville as part of ArtsUnion whose primary goal is the economic revitalization of Union Sq through arts programming. Through funding from the Massachusetts Cultural Council's John and Abigail Adams Program and the City of Somerville, ArtsUnion cultivates and  promotes the square's diverse artist and business community.

Did you know the proper name for a disco ball is a mirror ball as they existed long before the advent of disco? The world’s largest mirror ball is in Glasgow, Scotland.

see a photo gallery from mum06

Check back soon for updated news on MUM07.

The Nave Gallery, P.O. Box 43600, Somerville, MA 02143. © 2004-2009. All rights reserved.

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